some interesting facts about Mars.

We can sometimes see Mars with our naked eyes from Earth, this planet is one of them. Here are some interesting facts about Mars.


1. In our solar system there is a possibility of any kind of life on Mars. 
2. Mars One day is equal to 24 hours and 35 seconds.
3. The middle of the earth is the same as the earth, frozen carbon dioxide and even a small amount of water is suitable.
4. It is considered once the MARS planett was likely to be a blue sky! Mars, the MAN plane is also a blue sky. 
5. Mars the pan of the mage is 25.19 degrees. 
6. Mars Planet’s season is like the earth’s weather because the tilt of its axis is equal to the tilt of the axis of the earth! 
7. The Municality appears to be half of the sun from the Earth to appear!
8. Mars’s name is named after the Roman god of War, so the color of its color is red! 
9. In Greek, Mars was known as Ares.
10. Only 1/3 missions of all missions for Mars are successful. 
11. Mars is usually known as ‘Red Planet’ because the surface of Mars is red.
12. Scientists had first discovered the volcanic source in 1971 about the ability to produce water on this planet! 
13. The Roman and ancient Egyptian logo when studied the sky, he felt that Mars Planet is the planet like Earth!
14. Mars is red because it is the oxide of iron on which the we are usually known as corrosion. This car is Mars Reds appear!
15. Mars the crust is 50 to 125km thick which is the deep crop than 60km! 
16. Mars is about 141 million miles away from the sun.
17. The planet of this planet goes to 70.7 degree Celsius-140 ° C throughout the year! 
18. Mars is the tenth part of the earth’s size with 3.933 grams / density of cubic centimeters. 
19. Mars of graduation force is also less than the earth.

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20. There are 687 earth days in Marsh. 
21. When Mars Planet is close to the sun, then it is too much of the strings to fulfill it!

22. Mars’s two mumps have their name Demos and Fobos.
23. 13th November 1971 The first artificial satellite Mariner entered the class of Mars in the first time!
24. Mariner took 7329 photos of Mars and stayed in the classroom for 349 days. 

25. The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars. It is known as Olympus Mons).

26. Olympus Mons is 27 km high and 600 km wide. Which is more than 8.85 km from Mount Everest. 

27. The diameter of Mars Planet is roughly 4220 miles (6792 km). 

28. It is said that an Alien Skull (skull) was also found on Mars! 
29. Currently 12 man-made items are present on Mars.

Originally posted 2019-12-24 07:39:00.

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